- Katz v. United States Full Program
- Case Preview
- Unwarranted Search and Seizure
- Judge Schneider on Katz Payments
- Judge Harvey Schneider on Privacy
- Judge Schneider After SCOTUS
- Oral Argument Preview
- Justice Harlan II Gets Sick
- Sen. Rand Paul on the Katz Case
- Justice Alito on Privacy
Katz v. United States extended the Fourth Amendment's "unreasonable searches and seizures" protection to include recordings of conversations, not just personal effects. The Court held that wiretapping violated the privacy of the criminal defendant, Charles Katz -- privacy that he expected to have once entering a phone booth and closing the door.
Charles Katz was charged with placing illegal bets across state lines using a public telephone booth. Katz was able to be convicted after FBI agents placed a wire-tap on top of the public phone booth he was using without first obtaining a warrant. During his trial, Katz argued that the evidence presented against him was obtained illegally and that it violated his Fourth Amendment rights – "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses … against unreasonable searches and seizures."
After the case made its way to the Supreme Court, the Justices concluded that Katz's conversation was protected under the Fourth Amendment, meaning the FBI had indeed violated his rights in collecting its evidence against him. In delivering the opinion, Justice Potter Stewart wrote that the Fourth Amendment, "protects people, not places."